Vidflex Blog

What is a "White Label" Video Platform?

Written by Kevin Roberts | Jun 9, 2020 1:39:00 PM

Do you know which platform powers the video website of major sports leagues like the NHL, NBA or MLB? How about on a smaller scale, like your local church or mom-and-pop shop? It’s unlikely you don’t (unless you work for the service provider, of course) because this was done purposefully with strategic intent.

Not displaying the name of the video host on their site means that each organization – big and small – has chosen a white label video service.

What is “White label”?

To put this term into context, think of the last time you went grocery shopping. Many of your favorite brands and their product lines are manufactured by a third-party company operating at the top of the supply chain. However, you’d never know of the names of these companies because your supermarket chain or food and beverage supplier has opted to put their own logo on the packaging.

The term “White label” can also be used to describe a private video platform. Ultimately, this allows an owner to maintain complete control over the theme and content displayed on their website. Meaning, you own a brand monopoly in that virtual space.

The opposite of operating a white label video website is to co-brand your content with a third-party service; YouTube is an example of co-branding. There are millions of users and exponentially more videos posted on these platforms every day, which makes your brand less visible amongst the competition.

Remember the last time you watched videos on YouTube. Can you recall the color themes and logo of the musician, content creator or business? Probably not. Instead, you most likely have the red YouTube logo branded in your memory – pun intended!

Posting content under the umbrella of a household name can distract viewers from the branding you’ve worked hard at perfecting. On top of competing with millions of other eager content creators, now you must work harder to shine a spotlight on your brand image under the big red shadow of a tech titan.

What’s in it for you?

Having a white label video platform offers you and your content unobstructed visibility and an uncompromised level of control. In contrast, co-branding your videos on a site like YouTube is the content equivalent of renting an apartment. When you rent, you have limited control over what color you paint the walls, any additions you want to add to the structure, and most importantly, with whom you share your living space.

Many content creators feel stifled by the restrictions of renting a home – or in this case, a video platform. So, white labeling is equivalent to buying your own house; you can decorate every room how you wish, knock down a wall or build an extension, and you decide if you want to share your home with anyone else. All this to say: You have complete authority and final decision-making power over your website.

White label benefits

In addition to maintaining control over your brand awareness and image, customizable features are complimented by having:

  • A professional video presence
  • Your own domain
  • Safe and secure administrative access

When you start to build your video library, you’ll have the option to:

Then, once you start seeing your site traffic increase and you’re looking to replicate your success down the line, it helps to have access to performance metrics to illustrate your strengths (and weaknesses, if any). On a private video platform, you can effectively make informed decisions about future content with:

  • Up-to-the-minute tracking
  • On-demand reports
  • One-on-one personalized support

With versatile features to meet the demand of your viewers, accomplish professional goals and adapt to the growth of your business, you’ll be in an opportune position to capitalize on the value of your brand.

Visit our website to learn more about taking a white label approach to protect and promote your brand.